One problem with Sherlock in Mac OS 8.5 is that its window size is fixed. This can be a problem if you have many search engine plugins installed. One solution people have used is to modify Sherlock to make the window resizable. Although this works, it is inconvenient because it requires modifying Sherlock and it requires that you manually resize the window.
Sherlock Window Size is a system extension that automatically expands Sherlock's "Search Internet" pane based on the number of plugins you have installed. It works by patching traps, which means it doesn't modify the Sherlock application. (Although trap patches have their own issues.) It also intelligently expands the window for you, so you rarely have to think about it.
To install, simply drop the SherlockWindowSize file on your closed System Folder and reboot. Then when you open Sherlock and click on "Search Internet" the window should expand to show as many plugins as it can.
Currently, SherlockWindowSize is a beta release. I believe it is functionally complete, but I wanted to get it out to other people for testing. It is also missing an icon, etc. (Let me know if you have suggestions.) There is no shareware fee for SherlockWindowSize.
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